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Become a member

  • Annual Membership

    Every year
    Access to all OJA events and updates throughout the year

Membership benefits

Paid-up OJA membership.

  • Access to web site resources and archives

  • Priority event booking

  • Discounted event tickets

  • Newsletter subscription

  • OJ contact service

  • Supporting the continuation of the SJC traditions

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Membership application:
Enter your details here.

Please tick the appropriate boxes.

How were you associated with SJC?

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The Old Johannian Association (OJA) Data Privacy policy.

The OJA does not pass on your personal data to any other third-party body or organisation without your specific and explicit authority. Therefore, you your data will NEVER be used by any third party organisation or individual other than the OJA.

Should you wish to have any of your personal data removed from the OJA records, please write or send an email to the OJA Data Protection Officer (The Membership Secretary), at the address below. The OJA aims to act upon your instructions as soon as is reasonably possible. Please be patient with any such requests, and bear in mind that the OJA is not a commercial organisation, and is run by a Committee of OJA Members, who offer their services voluntarily, free of charge, and very much on a part time basis. They are not full-time employees.

The OJA maintains records of it’s members electronically in a secure environment. Your personal data is held, subject to your authority, for the following reasons:

  • Name, address and email address. To advise OJA Members of the activities of the Association, by way of Magazines (currently “The Old Johannian”), Newsletters, and general emails, and to facilitate contact between members of the OJA. The name and contact details of other members are always withheld until their explicit consent is received.

  • Phone Number: This would be used in very rare situations, where, for example, we do not have a current valid address or email address record, or need to query an instruction from you, by text or a phone call.

  • Years attended college. This is useful for being able to alert OJA members that other Old Johannians wish to contact their peer-group via the Association. Additionally, for functions, such as the OJA Annual Dinner, we strive to seat guests on tables with their peers.

  • Occupation/Qualifications/Achievements. This is useful if the OJA needs to contact members with regards to their willingness to offer advice, or share their expertise or if the Association wishes to ask members to contribute articles or ideas for any written communications.


Should you wish to change your preferences in the future, these changes should be communicated to the membership secretary by post, or email, at:

The Membership Secretary

The Old Johannian Association

1 Loxfield Close,
East Grinstead,
West Sussex,
RH19 3GN

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